Willow Post Ideas

Discover Willow's Idea section; designed to give you new post idea inspiration and all of the resources that you need to create killer posts.


Content Inspiration

Our "Ideas" tab at the top of your Willow screen is designed and purposed to give you all of the content inspiration that you could need to create new posts. When you are feeling stuck and in need of some social media post ideas, head to the "Ideas" tab. We've done the work for you - researched the top post ideas and how best to create them - so you don't have to.

Under "Ideas" you'll find post ideas that fall under the following categories:

  • Entertain & Inspire
  • Educational
  • Personal
  • Promotional
  • Employees & Workplace

If you hover over the post idea that interests you, you'll be prompted to "Discover Idea". Click here and you'll find example social media posts, a description of the post, best & worst practices, resources and some additional information.

If this post idea is one that you'd like to start utilizing, you can incorporate it into your social media strategy by hitting "Add to your schedule."

Do you need help creating or scheduling a post? Learn more here.