How do I create a new Keyword Monitor?

Keyword Monitors help you easily find news articles based on specific keywords and conditions. Creating a Keyword Monitor in Willow is very easy.

Keyword Monitor - Generic

Create a Keyword Monitor

  1. Navigate to the sidebar and choose explore

    Keyword Monitor - Explore Sidebar

  2. Click the Keyword Monitor item

    Keyword Monitor - Building Block

  3. Enter the keywords you want to search for or add / change filters. Learn more about how to use filters here.

  4. Click the Create feed button

    Keyword Monitor - Create Feed Button


  1. Navigate to the sidebar and click the plus button next to all sources

  2. Chose the option Add Keyword Monitor from the list

    Keyword Monitor - Sidebar Plus Button

  3. Follow the steps described above

Warning: It takes between 1 and 10 minutes before you will see the full result in your Keyword Monitor.

Note: The content in your keyword monitor is being updated every 6 hours.