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The channel I want is showing an error

If you are seeing an error when connecting, there are a few solutions you can try before getting in touch.


If you encounter an error while attempting to connect a channel, there are a few common reasons why this may occur. By following the steps outlined in this article, we can efficiently address and resolve these issues:

All I'm seeing is a loading screen

This may not be an error - it could simply be the system loading your channels. If you have a large number of channels (around 20 or more) under your management, it may take longer for them to load. This delay is due to the social platforms limiting the number of accounts we can access simultaneously.

In rare occasions, this could be due to the amount of requests we are making as a platform (i.e. the platform is extraordinarily busy). To check this isn't the case, please close all Willow tabs, wait 30 minutes and try again. 

If you find yourself waiting on this screen for more than 2 minutes or if you only oversee a few channels, please reach out to our customer success team for assistance in resolving this issue.

[Channel] is not available for this profile

This error occurs when there is a problem accessing the channel you are trying to connect. To fix this, ensure that your account is correctly configured to allow third-party connections by following these guides:

For Facebook, please visit here

For Instagram, please visit here

For LinkedIn, please visit here

For X, please visit here