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LinkedIn Channel Issues

If the LinkedIn page or account you want to connect is having issues, this article will explain a few solutions.


If you're encountering difficulties when trying to add a LinkedIn page or account to Willow, don't worry, as it's typically straightforward. However, there might be a few obstacles along the way. If you're facing issues with adding a page or account, refer to the following solutions for assistance.

LinkedIn Pages

If you are having trouble with the page you want to connect, it may be because you are not a super admin of the page. Super admins have the ability to add integrations.

Typically, the creator of a page is automatically assigned as a super admin, but this role can also be granted to others as needed.

To add a new admin:

  1. Go to your Page super admin view.
  2. Click Settings in the left menu and select Manage admins.
  3. Click the Page admins or Paid media admins tab.
  4. Click the Add admin button.
  5. Enter the name of the member, associated employee, or advertiser you’d like to add in the Search for a member field.
  6. Select the admin’s name from the list that appears.
  7. Select the required admin role.

If your issue persists, please contact customer support. 

LinkedIn Personal

Issues with personal page connections are seldom encountered. However, if your account has been suspended recently, you may not have the ability to add integrations.

Another possible solution would be to remove any conflicting integrations from your list of permitted services

You can verify on this page if Willow is listed as a permitted service - if it is not, please try the integration process again.

If the issue continues, feel free to reach out to customer support for further assistance.